4.1 C
Petak, 14 veljače, 2025

xceptor – De Wandeling EP



As a producer xceptor creates what makes his heart pound, his blood stream, his mind race and his feet move. This results in eclecticism that has almost no red line in it, but creates an overall feeling of excitement, melancholy and/or a grimy dark side. Together this creates a world where anything can happen, a world where freedom is the only important thing.

The Rotterdam based producer releases his debut EP on local label Feed The Void. ‘De Wandeling’ is more than just a peaceful walk in the park, it’s a journey through another dimension. Opener ‘Paranoïde Boswandeling’ takes us on a trip through a dark forest laden with unsettling synth stabs and harrowing arpeggios. Next up is the steady pacer ‘Veengrond’, an atmospheric stroll through an open peaty field of resonant synthesizers and comforting bass lines that lul the listener into a false sense of security. To follow is the ominous dystopian driver ‘Bezeten Steeg’; a dark electro track that grows effortlessly throughout until it’s a pounding peak time masterpiece. EP closer ‘Astronaut Onder Water’ borrows elements from 80s post-punk and combines them with breakbeats to create a euphoric ending to this wonderful trip.

With full EP orders listeners will also receive a dance floor ready techno rework of ‘Bezeten Steeg’ so get those orders coming in. Pre-order ‘De Wandeling’ here: https://feedthevoid.bandcamp.com/album/ftv-005-de- wandeling. ‘De Wandeling’ is released on 13th September 2024.

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