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Četvrtak, 23 siječnja, 2025
HomeIZDANJAVA -The Blue Hour

VA -The Blue Hour



The Blue Hour je drugi VA berlinskog THISBE Recordingsa, nakon “Black Ink” objavljenog 2022. Kompilaciju je sastavio gazda diskografske kuće, Pyrame, a u promociji izdanja piše da je ona ‘poziv na krstarenje kroz plavi sat, to jedinstveno doba dana od sumrak u noć’.

Da poezija ostane cjelovita, prepuštamo vas originalnom promo tekstu.

The Blue Hour” is the second VA of Berlin-based THISBE Recordings, following “Black Ink” released in 2022. Curated by label owner Pyrame, the new compilation is an invitation to cruise through the blue hour, that unique time of the day from dusk to night.

During that special time lapse, as the sky goes through several shades of blue, so goes the record:

Dominik Marz´s “Bura´s Hymn” brings us straight above the Earth´s surface with a track as atmospheric as it can get, before Radial Gaze & Balam´s collab tune “Foreclosed” sets the scene for a groovy dance above the clouds.

We have already lost sight of the ground when World Wild Web initiates an immersion into an enigmatic phase of the voyage with his track “Extase”, where we do not really know in which time-space we find ourselves any more. Agle hints at a possible spot: “Sahel”, a tune that feels like a breeze across the desert, before Philip Lawns shakes everyone up with the upbeat “Johns”, bringing our feet back just above the ground. Volta Cab wraps up our imaginary trip with “Krasnodar Nights”, bringing a treat for the soul and some peace of mind. The night can now settle down.

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