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Četvrtak, 23 siječnja, 2025
HomeIZDANJAKeep Me In The Light - Rapid Bass Groover

Keep Me In The Light – Rapid Bass Groover



Pre-order Date (Bandcamp & Beatport) : September 13th Exclusive Release Date (Bandcamp & Beatport) : September 27th Global Release Date : October 11th

Here is the new one by the talentutous Scottish-born Thai artist : Keep Me In The Light. Renowned for the quality of his incredible edits on the web, he drops here an epic and dancefloor release.

“Rapid Bass Groover” is an efficient melodic track.

Carried by a mastered rhythm, the melodic arpeggio reinforced by the twirling pads make positive thoughts soar on the dancefloor. It’s time for unity in these dark times ;). Only Love must remain.

The second original track “Neon Nights”, quieter, is always filled with good feelings. The main melody is incredibly accompanied by sumptuous, haunting andsoft pads, leads. In the break time, the piano gives to the track a little and local House touch.

Then, when the tracks drop, arms rise and we dance while dreaming.

Our swiss army knife Brandski is back with a fast and powerful italotrance remix of the eponym track. It grooves, it’s energetic, the steps follow one another and we let ourselves go…

Happy to have again with us Aural Trace, for a pure body remix this time.

He mainly focused on the melodic arpeggio and pads of the original to bring a more italo and acid touch. The remix grabs the listener’s guts !

To close this wonderful remix series, Agle is the right one !

The boss of the new imprint “Rewind It” gives to “Neon Nights” a magical disco-house touch. Really positive, it seems that the sun is always in our hearts listening to this tittle.


1. Keep Me In The Light – Rapid Bass Groover (Original Mix)
2. Keep Me In The Light – Neon Nights (Original Mix)
3. Keep Me In The Light – Rapid Bass Groover (Brandski Trancy Remix) 4. Keep Me In The Light – Neon Nights (Aural Trace High Energy Remix) 5. Keep Me In The Light – Neon Nights (Agle Remix)

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